How to Woo a Ukrainian Woman
So you’re talking to a woman in Ukraine, how do you impress her? Dating between cultures can be tricky. More than anything, it takes a higher level of effort. You have to be patient and understanding. When it comes to women from Ukraine, there are a select few things that can really keep her around. Keep reading to learn how to woo a Ukrainian woman.
Dress Well
It’s no secret, Ukrainian women love fashion. When going for a walk or simply to the grocery store, a Ukrainian woman might be found in heels and a dress or skirt. On the other hand, most Ukrainian men don’t value style. Unless it’s a formal event, men in Ukraine generally put little to no effort into their appearance.
A great way to woo Ukrainian women is to show them you value your appearance. They enjoy having a man who does take care of his physical appearance. If fashion isn’t your favorite thing, it won’t deter a Ukrainian woman, but this is a great way to impress her.

Be Decisive
Ukrainian women are very strong-minded and they want someone that can meet them at their level. She is looking for a man that will make tough decisions for his family. Don’t be the person that questions everything. Show her that you’re the man she’s been looking for.
Give Her Flowers
A great way to woo a Ukrainian woman is to give her a gift. Flowers are always a great option, though there are strict rules to giving flowers in Slavic culture. You have to know the appropriate number to give her. Get schooled on the correct colors to give her. It’s also important to know the right kinds of flowers to give to a woman.
Be Honest
In general, Ukrainian women tend to be very straightforward. They will tell you how they feel with no reservations. There’s a stereotype that Slavic people, in general, are cold and straightforward with their communication. While they might come off as cold, they just have different social norms than western society. Once you break the shell of a Slavic woman, honesty is the best policy. She will respect you so much more if you tell the truth.
Be Vulnerable
As stated previously, Ukrainian women might have a seemingly cold exterior. It just takes time to penetrate this shell. On the other hand, Ukrainian men generally keep a shell on, which is often masked with alcohol.
A great way to stand out to a Ukrainian woman is to be vulnerable. You don’t have to be super emotional or cry, just being open will show that you care. Being vulnerable is about feeling safe and making your partner feel safe in your relationship. So definitely use this to woo a Ukrainian woman and build a stronger relationship.
Be Family-Oriented
It’s no secret that traditional Ukrainian culture is very family-oriented. If you really want to woo a Ukrainian woman, talk to her about your family or your hopes to have a family. She will enjoy telling you about growing up with her mom and babushka (grandmother). At the same time, if you aren’t family-oriented, don’t worry. There are Ukrainian women who will accept you just the way you are!