Alexandra T

Female 22 Seeking a Male

Ukraine Odessa


ID: 12257076

The ideal relationship: I’m looking for a relationship in which it will be easy and everything is clear. I don’t want drama and instability. Let’s get happy.

My Appearance
Ethnicity Other
Body type Slim
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Smoking Never
Drinking Never
Background & Heritage

My father is a dentist, so I also get a medical education and attend courses in cosmetology. I plan to have my own cosmetology clinic in the future. I live with a sense of beauty, I believe that we need to bring our inner beauty into the world (very important!) and never change our principles and values. I dream of a happy relationship!

Hobbies & Leisure

I'm really a fan of the gym and there I close my needs in terms of anti-stress therapy. I like to cook something tasty and walk in the fresh air.

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