5 Things to Talk About on a Date

May 27, 2020 Articles

Whenever the possibility of a date presents itself, there is a sense of anxiousness lurking behind. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I offend my date? How should I be dressed? Where should we go? How can I keep the conversation going? We at Ukraine Dating Online want to share 5 things to talk about on a date so you aren’t caught off guard. Remember, preparation is key.


First on the list of things to talk about on a date is family. Your Ukrainian beauty will be thrilled to tell you all about her relatives, how she grew up and the traditions that have been passed down to her. Make sure you pay attention and ask relevant questions. If she starts talking about her grandmother, don’t respond by asking about her sisters. Ask questions that will make her elaborate on her responses. Doing this will build a nice, smooth conversation and gets you to know parts of her family.


Second on the list of things to talk about on a date involves pets. Ukrainian women have a penchant for pets that, whether you like it or not, will not be fading any time soon. If you are allergic to cats or dogs and think she will choose you over them, think again. There is a strong and special bond that Ukrainian women have with animals so it will be to your advantage to ask about pets. Just watch her eyes light up as she talks about the personality of her pet and share in that excitement. Respond by digging deeper into stories and events that she brings up regarding her special furry friend. 


The third thing to talk about on a date with a Ukrainian woman are hobbies. Knowing what she likes to do in her spare time will help you to see what you both have in common. Some of her hobbies may even surprise you, as you may not take someone so delicate to be a black belt in karate! Not only will this conversation put a smile on her face, but it will also bring you two closer if you both happen to share the same hobbies.

Work and Studies

Fourth on the list of things to talk about on a date deals with work and studies. Ukrainian women are known to be ambitious and are likely to be working towards a professional or personal goal. They naturally try to improve themselves each and every day. When you ask her about her work or studies, it lets her know that you are interested in what lies beneath the surface of her beautiful exterior. 


Last on the list of things to talk about on a date is food. We couldn’t go on without mentioning this very important topic. Because the Ukrainian culture is very different from Western culture, the food is different as well. Her favorite dishes will more than likely not be tied to french fries, pizza or any other item on the standard American diet. It would do you a great favor to have this discussion early on because when you finally get together in person, you will know exactly what she’s into. You can surprise her by taking her to a restaurant that serves her favorite dish and that will win you a few brownie points! 

All in all, the most important thing to remember is that dates are meant to get to know each other better. At Ukraine Dating Online, we want to give you at least 5 things to talk about on a date to get you started. Sometimes, all you need is a jumpstart to let your inner charm shine.